A little bit of everything…

Monthly Archives: September 2010

Fifty-nine days ago I started the Daily Doodle challenge. Its been a lot of fun. Some nights I do fall asleep before doodling but I’m sure to grab my little book and pen first thing the following morning. I’m telling you this because its the truth and think its a good thing to admit. No one is perfect. In fact, I love that I’m not.

The Daily Doodle page started off as a great way to share this adventure. Unfortunately I cannot break it down into further pages to quicken the loading time. I’ve decided to type updates like this post that link over to my “Daily Doodle” set on Flickr. I hope this is acceptable. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

I’ve updated the Daily Doodle set on Flickr with these beauties. These are just thumbnails.
55  9.25.10 56  09.26.10 57  09.27.10 58  09.28.10

CLICK to be transported to the DIYSara Daily Doodle magic world of fun!

First you start off with one pen… One simple fountain pen. Then you acquire a bottle of fountain pen ink. Then whoopsies you threw off the equilibrium of the universe and now have two bottles of ink but just one pen. That must change. Soon another pen crawls into your arsenal and brings a friend. Once again the unbalance is heartbreaking and destroys your karma so you get some more fountain pen ink.

We’ve all been there right? (If not, go on – try to get just one fountain pen and one bottle of ink – then stop back and let me know how your downward fountain pen related spiral is progressing. Fun, isn’t it? hehe)

So you have pens and inks coming out of your ears and its so easy to forget what pens are inked with which delicious color so I’ve thought of a great way to utilize those Rhodia No. 10 notepads we all have. You have one too right? The cutest most adorable little two by three inch pads of luscious and cooperative French Rhodia paper? If not you’ll just have to find one or two or three. (Yes I have issues with paper too).

Rhodia Fountain Pen Ink Tracker

First thing you’ll need to do is decide which notebook you are going to log your pens and inks in. This step is easier for some than for others. Next grab your removable glue stick. If you have never heard of removable glue sticks, you are in for a world of fun. They allow you to turn a piece of any paper into a removable sticky note. Mine is Avery brand but I am aware of other companies putting out the same product.

Rhodia Fountain Pen Ink Tracker

Tear out one of those cute Rhodia No 10 pieces of paper.

Rhodia Fountain Pen Ink Tracker

Write your ink name on it. Add a nice swab of it if you’d like or anything else that will help you recall why you adore that ink so much.

Rhodia Fountain Pen Ink Tracker

After the ink dries, flip over the paper and apply your removable glue stick. I let it dry for a bit before the next step.

Rhodia Fountain Pen Ink Tracker

In your designated notebook stick the ink under the name of the pen in which it is loaded.

Rhodia Fountain Pen Ink Tracker

TA – DA~! Its simple, its easy, its environmentally friendly. And best of all – you’ll always know what pen is inked and with which of your oodles of inks.

Don’t limit yourself to just an ink tracker. You can also create ink menus. Its autumn so maybe mix and match your ink swatches to create a great complimentary palette and then get to flushing those fountain pens! Or maybe you like keeping your bottles in spectrum order – why not have a record of what ink is in which bottle so you don’t have to disturb them all to refill. The possibilities are endless.

Enjoy and be well.

1000_journal_pages_cover Once upon a time, I added an amazing book to my Christmas gift wish list. “1000 Artist Journal Pages” is a feast for the creative spirit. It is beyond eye candy but can certainly entertain and tantalize your visual senses.

Not long before that book was unwrapped and added to my shelf, I began following the talented Dawn DeVries Sokol on Twitter @dawndsokol. Meeting published artists makes me giggly and a bit nervous, even through the computer. Dawn is an awesome person to chat with and her website is amazing.

Needless to say when she said her new book “Doodle Diary: Art Journaling for Girls” was coming out I knew I had to have it. When a copy showed up from the publisher to review on this blog, I did a little happy dance. Okay so it wasn’t so little but you needn’t get the entire picture of that.

Doodle Diary by Dawn DeVries Sokol


The Doodle Diary is a convenient sized book. At 5.25 by 7.25 inches and a half an inch thick, it is portable and ready to join you anywhere for an adventure. The cover is attractive and eye catching, ripe with Dawn’s doodle-icious artwork. If the cover tickles your fancy, just wait until you peel it back to reveal the pages inside. They are vivacious and invigorating.


Dawn has made this a “anti-block” art journal. Creatives get “the block” often. Our creativity backs up and things coagulate and get stuck. It becomes a struggle to even touch a pen tip to paper. Some times we break out in cold sweats or even develop a nasty facial twitch but this book alleviates this. I can see artists using this book to keep the creative juices flowing freely. Each spread of pages has prompts, tool tips or Dawn’s jump-start artwork. I would love to see someone with a severe enough blockage to resist the powers of this book. Seriously I would – and then I will take you to a doctor to see about getting it removed – surgically.

This book is aimed at girls. The name says it. I am going to say Bah! to that and encourage everyone to pick up a copy. So you’re a guy? Big deal. Collage over the cover and no one will know. Name it “The Manly Man Man Book” and no one will care. Are you too much of an adult? Poo on that. Everyone can use a little play time in their lives. Keep it next to your bed and before you go to sleep, grab a colored pen or marker and let your internal child have some fun. Can’t draw? I have heard this a million times. Grab a pen and make a shape. Now give that shape a face. Like stick figures? So did Picasso! Don’t judge yourself – let the pen take you where it may and then if you don’t like it, blame the pen. (I do it all the time).

I don’t want to ruin the surprise of turning the pages of this book. I want you to experience the “flash” of what comes to mind first when you read the prompts. I think this is entirely too awesome of an experience with this book. It’s like opening a can of soda pop (which I don’t do anymore because I gave up soda but since I miss that sound and feeling I’ll use it for this analogy). I love being able to pick and choose what page to work on next. Bouncing back and forth is encouraged I’m sure!

Here is a shot of one of my favorite Dawn-Doodles in this book. You all know how many pets I have so this spread is going to fill up fast.


Reminding yourself of all the things you have to be happy about is a very beneficial practice. What a great trigger!


Art journaling is something everyone should at least try. Its a great creative way to express yourself and if you’re not sure about tackling a blank sketchbook or you want a portable companion, give Dawn’s book a try.


(A huge thank you to Gibbs Smith Publisher for sending me this review copy and to Dawn for always being an inspiration.)