A little bit of everything…

Category Archives: nanowrimo

#dailyarsenal 11.3.10

It started with a sharpened pencil and a pad of paper. But things change. I’m pretty attuned to my inner voices and I knew on Wednesday I had to do some replanning for November.

Yes I am jumping ship on NaNoWriMo with a total word count of 4,466. But I am getting on another party boat. NaNoJouMo is something that will give me the versatility I need for this month. I want to spend more time with Oliver kitty before we have to say goodbye. I want to be supportive to Matthew who just lost his Grandfather. I’d like to rally my inner troops and sell something I create before too much longer. The holidays are coming so I’ll need to make gifts. November is just going to have to be ready for some multi-tasking. NaNoJouMo as a creative outlet is hopefully going to fit better.

I’m about to go start my NaNoJouMo journal. I want to create a little mixed paper style book just for this. I think I’ll raid the recycling bag. Wish me luck.

There are some new Daily Doodles in my Flickr set.
81  10.21.10 82  10.22.10 83  10.23.10 84 10.24.10 85  10.25.10 86  10.26.10 87  10.27.10

Thanks for dropping by. Be well.

Things are hectic. Aren’t they always? I remember (vaguely) a time when I could relax and when boredom would set in. Maybe it was a dream…

Iggy Pup dressed up for Tricks or Treats yesterday. I unfortunately didn’t assemble a costume beyond my Jack Skellington hat. Maybe next year I’ll dress up as Salvador Dali. That epic mustache, how can I resist?

Happy Halloween from Sheriff Iggy Pup

We handed out quite a bit of candy. Our surplus of over 120 Kit Kat bars disappeared in the first hour of Tricks or Treats. Iggy loved it though. He is such a little people oriented pup. The more kids that surrounded him, the happier he got. He really is my social lil furry butterfly.

I’m happy to report that I am attempting to participate in NaNoWriMo again this year. I had my Staples “eco friendly writing pad” which is sugar cane based paper and freshly sharpened Carolina Pad “TranZend” pencil ready for when I awoke this morning. Feeding Oliver takes a bit of time and I like to keep an eye on him to make sure he’s eating a good amount so I use that time as best I can. Today I started my novel.

Tonight I finished off page six of my nameless novel at 1681 words. Not too shabby. The problem is the pain of writing. I have tendinitis is both wrists. My last attempt at NaNoWriMo ended for the same reason. I didn’t have the fortitude to type 50,000 words. This year writing doesn’t appear to be much easier. Don’t think its over though, I’m prepared to mix it up. Pens, pencils, laptop, manual typewriter, stone tablet and chisel. I’m not throwing in the towel yet so hold on for the ride!

Iggy Pup

I’m off to bed. I think Iggy Pup and I have some blankets to burrow into. Be well.