A little bit of everything…

Monthly Archives: January 2010

My last post on January 7th was about the snow that fell on our small corner of the Earth. The following morning we awoke to more and all I could think was “Sara, you and your big mouth,” like I had challenged the snow gods to make up for the manageable amount that had fallen the day before. I’m not sure where I picked up that habit but I do it a lot. Any time something happens after I comment on the subject, I immediately place it on my list of whooopsies.

My Big Mouth 1/8/10

That was the last snow that has fallen in our area. But now because I’m typing this – I predict that we will get some very soon and my list of whooopsies will continue to grow.

Winter is a challenge for many of us. The shorter days and lack of sun can quickly lead to blue moods and a constant deficit of energy. In an attempt to keep my spirits up, I invested in more art supplies!

Daily Arsenal 1/16/10

Thirty new vibrant RoseArt markers to keep me happy and best of all they cost next to nothing! (My budget is on the side lines applauding loudly.) The markers alone are pretty and the rainbow colors can brighten the greyest of days but using them is what keeps me truly afloat. It doesn’t matter if I create a masterpiece or just outline a few letters, the point is I’m creating something. Here is a glimpse of the doodles that fell out of my markers while Matt, my parents and I were enjoying a game of Scrabble. (Somehow, I managed to win that game… I attribute it to the doodles).

Doodle Fun!

Some recent days have been harder than others. I can’t deny them because the struggles we face make us who we are.
[Edited to remove approximately 3 paragraphs.]
I’ve removed these words because it was more of journal selection than a blog entry. Not a bad thing by any means but I’ll summarize instead. Try to live your life in front of your own eyes.

Iggy Pup, our vivacious Boston Terrier, turned two on January 7th. Life is not always fun and it isn’t always easy but Iggy helps to remind me that it is all worth it. Small moments, like catching a few rays of sunshine during a lunch break or getting a kiss from your puppy can salvage a bad day. You can never take things too seriously, especially when you have Iggy passing gas in your immediate area. Also Iggy is great at reminding me that a nap now and again is perfectly acceptable.

Iggy Pup

Take care and be well. Find your happy thoughts today and keep them in your pocket.

There is a song that contains the lyrics “I want to want wash my hair in snow” … that lady is CRA-ZY!

Snow is beautiful. It gets you out of school when you are a kid but for the most part it just means more work for adults. If I could sit back and enjoy it for its beauty and magic, it would be one thing. If I could bundle up in an adult sized snow suit with mittens hanging from strings and my ear flap hat and make snow angels and forts until my nose got numb, I’d love today. Unfortunatley with two deadlines looming – Matt and I had to get up early and get to work – Snow or no snow.

the way to work

The drive to work was slow going and we didn’t see any plows. I find this terribly amusing since the last “snow storm” we had, which turned out to be more of rain and slushy mess, precipitated dozens of plows on the roads. I have an image in my mind of snow plows sneaking from behind one tree quickly ducking behind another – waiting. Waiting for us to finish shoveling so they can come and fill in the driveway and corner. Its like a big challenge. If we finish before the plows go by we have more work to do but if we wait to shovel, the plows will not come down our street. Its a conspiracy, I assure you.


Work was work and I’ll spare you the dramatic nonsensical chaotic happenings. After work the roads weren’t as bad as they could have been. I think we dodged a bullet to be honest. Last winter we had a blizzard which resulted in Matt and I digging out the car multiple times with my car shovel (thanks mum & dad!) and pushing the car. Our road was blocked by 4 feet of snow at least and even the bus routes were a blooming mess. Tonight was pretty easy going and it was very beautiful despite the shoveling.

snowy silent street

Things have been busy here. At least in my mind. I have been thinking of doing a “365 day” project. Perhaps a photo or a drawing or a doodle or a short story with illustration or a combination of any or all of the above every day for the whole of 2010. Sadly I haven’t committed to anything and just have a bunch of photos but not one for every day since January 1st. That saddens me. Some day I want to make a decision, stick to it and run with it through the ribbon at the finish line.

I have started an art journal though. I’ve completed one page and started a second. Here are the pages:

First Page in my Art Journal

start of art journal page

Matt and I did a short drawing session at the Southwest library on Wednesday. I felt very awkward and am not sure I have what it takes to draw figures.

library drawing

Matt is uploading his daily sketches to his Flickr pool so be sure to drop by and show him some love = http://www.flickr.com/photos/22411827@N05/

I’ve been fascinated by photo manipulation lately. Imitation cross processing and retro-vintage looking shots are very “in”. I gave Picnik a look and came up with these two edited photos:


Iggy Pup

I hate to end this post since I haven’t blogged in so long. I hope you will forgive me but with a double deadline tomorrow, I need some rest.

Take care and be well.