The Pitt and the Pendulum

I have a weakness for Edgar Allan Poe. I think it was reading so many stories throughout school. Lately I have a hankering to reread his stories and poetry. Last week I remembered a Papermate Pendulum pen I had acquired on a whim long ago. Then of course my brain said “The Pitt and the Pendulum” which led to snapping a photo and then this blog posting.

I’m enjoying free readings of “The Raven” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” for free via iTunes tonight. Its a nice way to wind down after a day of work.

Halloween is just three days away and our plans have changed quite a bit. My costume is non-existent and we never did replace our pumpkins. The warm weather has created a moldy mess out of our un-smashed franken-pumpkin. I haven’t altered Iggy Pup’s cowboy costume. He’s too broad chested for the store bought ones. Not sure what I’ll do for him. He’s big on the dressing up thing ya know. It just seems like life is full of curve balls lately. We do have candy for Tricks or Treats though. But Matt is hoping to visit his grandfather in the hospital so who knows what this weekend will bring.

I’ve finally updated my Daily Doodle set so pop over and take a gander at Flickr.

It’s time to feed the kitties. Oliver is still holding on but is slowing down. If only I could cure him and keep with with me always. I will miss my little sunshine man more than words will ever express.


Be well.