Trying to break my never-ending creative block.

I can’t be the only one who falls into strange ruts. I have the urge to create quite often but then nothing happens. Sometimes I gather all my supplies around me and then I end up just sitting. Nothing happens. Some days I put pen to paper and nothing falls out other than just a dot or squiggle. Lately this rut has gotten deeper and more daunting. I feel like Alice falling into a rabbit hole; I’m disoriented and lost.

I may have just completed something. Start to finish. I'll share detail later on my blog.

Sunday I decided that I was going to create SOMETHING. I grabbed my Pentel markers and pencils, Micron pens, Lyra pencils, Derwent tins, etc. I cleared off a space on my art table and sat. I sipped water and stared at my blank sketchbook page. It frustrated me how complicated it all felt. I grabbed a marker… pink. I drew a flower shape and colored it in. That’s a basic standby shape, right? Then I grabbed a blue marker and drew another flower. I added some colored pencil to create some depth. I penned in some other shapes. I added more color. In the end I had this finished piece before me.


Sure it isn’t very big and it isn’t anything really special, but I did it in one sitting. I finished something. It is bright and pleasing to my eye. It is not a failure by any means. I need to force myself to sit and make marks until it comes naturally again. I miss losing myself in a piece… which finally happened again on Sunday. It was divine. I want my creativity to bloom and flourish and I want to share it with you.

Be well.