My Plannerd Week 21

My apologies for not posting last Monday. Matt was off of work which can be my only poor excuse.

I used my Pilot VBall eco version quite a bit. Dreamt about the pen and then grabbed it out of my stash. It writes so nicely and liquid ink is dreamy.

My Plannerd Week 22

I bought the “Nature” set of Staedtler fineliners. I really like the colors. The “Pastel” set didn’t thrill me like this one. But you know I have to have them all. They work really well in the Paperblanks planner as you can see. Plus having some different colors is fun.

Been continuing on my reading streak. I haven’t done any art in a long time and it’s starting to worry me. I forgot how or at least I feel that way. Not good, I know. But at least my time is spent reading and not just staring into space or watching cruppy television I don’t like, right?

Be well.