A little bit of everything…

Category Archives: Crafts

another week ending? already? Jiminy crickets!

This week went by so quickly, I am having trouble discerning one day from the other. I guess this post will be one giant amorphous blob of my week’s events.

Shall we start with my pants?

my new pants

No seriously. I found the best pants at Goodwill a few months back and misplaced them in the mess otherwise known as the bedroom. Wednesday can only be described as a cleaning marathon of insanity. The bedroom now resembles a sanctuary of sleep and not a back room storage facility. I love it! The highlight of the day was unearthing these kickin’ pants. They are khaki with dark brown embroidery in vertical lines. They are so comfy and I think they look nice on my new figure. I wish I hadn’t misplaced them in the first place. Definitely looking forward to donning my Hulk tshirt with these bad boys this week.

journal page

This journal page amuses me. I like my blob monsters a lot. See the monster is mad that his flower is wilting (because it never rains anymore), then he gets a brilliant idea about watering the flower to revive it but before he can act – an evil blue bird gnashes the flower and flies away. The end. And I really did take ballet as a kid. I was double jointed so all the positions were fun for me. I didn’t take it for very long and can only recall one pink tutu performance. Did I ever show you my Revenge of the Pinto Bean sketches? I have the story line started and I’m hoping to work on it this week. I wish I had more time to draw than just during car rides. The roads are just too bumpy!

big cup nom!

Friday was a deadline day. Deadline days are deadly and can only be survived by using my super hero mutant power – eating chocolate! Alright it isn’t really a mutant super hero power… but seriously – have you seen Reese’s Big Cups? They are very delicious and helped me endure my Friday at work.

my friday loves

Jerry often visits the Dollar Tree during lunch breaks and occasionally finds things that will inevitably keep me amused for days, weeks and possibly months. This week I was given a wind-up panda pencil sharpener! I don’t use pencils at work very often and mine is mechanical but seriously – its a panda pencil sharpener than walks! There is something very fun about the wind-up walk and that noise brings me back to my childhood. I used my black Sharpie pen all day on Friday and it had to get in on the arsenal photo.

crap load?

Saturday was filled to the brim with tasks and errands, chores and events. I snapped a shot of this truck in hopes that I can enter into the dictionary as a definition for the term “crap load”. The attached sentence would be something to this effect: “Alas, look at that crap load!” It is apparent that our local economy is suffering. I see more trucks filled to the brim of safety than ever before. My guess is that everyone is trying to make ends meet. I hope things improve soon.

post office ala kenosha

I sent a package out to Wales, UK. That required a visit to the local post office. I love the old architecture. My father worked at the high school across the street. The museum and court house also share the same neighborhood and style. It so classic and familiar. I can remember sitting in the back office while visiting my Dad at work, kneeling on the retro green couch and gazing out the window at the park in the center of all these colossal buildings. I miss spending days at work with my father – but I’m pretty sure he is enjoying his retirement.

what is on my tv tray

I use a TV tray as my center of operations in the living room. It isn’t the most efficient or comfortable option but it’s handy and I can move it out of the way. Some day I will have a space of my own in the extra bedroom turned studio. For now this will do. I received two uber books for my birthday from Matt. The Street Sketchbook is instant inspiration for me. Glimpses into artists’ sketchbooks are beyond captivating. The other is Basic Crochet Stitches. I cannot wait to start my crochet gifts for the holiday gift season. This book should keep me entertained.

old meets new

Last night Matt took Iggy Pup and me to the local drive-in movie theatre. We saw Harry Potter 6 and Orphan[<= liked very much] from his Eclipse. Today we enjoyed some time at my parent's. I think it's amusing that Mum n Dad still have our old rotary phone on the wall. Matt brought his MacBook and the juxtaposition of technology amused me so I snapped a photo. The rotary phone still is functional but everyone uses the cordless phone on the counter. Gotta love it.

Another week is about to begin. I'm buckling my seat belt – I hear August isn't too far off. Take care and be well.

Second half is planted!

I had my free birthday vaca day on Friday. I planted the second half of the front garden. Better late than never, right? I still have more annuals in need of some real dirt lovin’ but that will have to wait until later this week.

New Fleece Toy for Iggy Pup

After lunch on Friday, I grabbed my poor neglected new-to-me sewing machine and made Iggy Pup a new toy. I snuck in the “growling” mechanism from his dino toy that he mutilated & destroyed long ago. I even found out how the zig-zag stitch works! But beyond the successful sewing adventure, Iggy Pup has a new toy that he really enjoys playing and wrestling with.

New Fleece Toy for Iggy Pup

New Fleece Toy for Iggy Pup

This morning I played doctor and stitched up all of Iggy’s wounded stuffies and squeakies. I piled up all his toys and after he got up he grabbed the one I made first. I’m very proud of my fleece creation.

More Doodles

Matt and I visited my folks today and enjoyed a couple games of Scrabble. I somehow managed to win both games. I had my Staedtler fineliners and planner with me and I doodled. Yes that is a scared pickle. You love him, don’t you?

More Doodles

More Doodles

Here are two other doodle pages – these located in my journal. Something about doodling that just alleviates pressures and frustrations. I wish I had more time in the day to doodle.

the elusive koala

My obsession with this series of teeny plastic toys continues. Behold, the elusive koala. I would have loved any color but purple is pretty kicking, no? I refuse to say how much I’ve spent on these lil toys. In fact I won’t even divulge this information to myself.

New Products at Zazzle!

I have added more creations to my Zazzle shop. Please swing over to the shop and poke around. All the designs are customizable. There are many styles of tshirts and different shapes and sizes of buttons and stickers. I believe you can add text to the designs as well. Zazzle is pretty darned awesome. I’m really glad I joined.

This weekend has gone so fast. I hope you all had a good one. Take care and be well.

Weekends go too fast, don’t they?

I battled the swarms of mosquitoes and got some of the gardens watered. I still have half of the front garden to plant with annuals and the small area around the mailbox. I hope the weather cooperates this week and I can get that done. Here are a few shots of the flowers brightening our yard and a couple from my Mum’s.

Raspberry Swirl Petunia Daisy
poppy miniature rose

Breakfast this morning was pretty colorful and I grabbed my camera. Yes, those are Lucky Charms floating in my bowl. Nom nom. I love the mutated conjoined orange star in my spoon.

Lucky charms

After breakfast, Toby wanted to play. Toby always wants to play. I use chenille stems aka pipe cleaners to make my own inexpensive cat toys. If you do want to make your own – be sure to bend the ends over so your kitty doesn’t get poked. I tend to check the toys over and make sure the ends stay folded over. I think he enjoyed the play session.

Toby's new toy

Oliver enjoyed the beautiful summer weather by napping near the open window. He is such a little prince. (I have plans to make new curtains. He doesn’t seem to mind though). He has been doing better. His next blood test is next Wednesday. Cross your fingers our recent problems are not related to kidney disease which the vet said it *could* be.


Matt and I took Iggy Pup to the Independence Day parade. I must say Batman and the really depressed looking Elmo were my favorite parts. Iggy got bored and ended up napping under the chair of the guy sitting to our right. Don’t worry, we made it up to him with a cookie and a trip to the dog park. He’s sawing logs over on his doggy bed as I type. We have one tuckered lil pup on our hands tonight.

4th Parade

4th Parade

Is it over yet?

Have I mention my unhealthy desire to own small plastic toys from the grocery store lobby machines? I can’t stop my quarters from jumping into one particular machine. Here’s the most recent family photo of the critters on top of my work computer.


Since I’m on the topic of work, I documented what happened to a daisy at work. Yes, daisies are not fit for employment. So much for my idea to hire my millions as assistants this week. I guess I’ll be doing the three publications myself…again.

Daisy Before Daisy After

I did get a chance to get a little creative this weekend. Matt is a member of the 1001 Journals project and he received a work related journal to fill. I had fun adding some glitter glue to finish it off. What do you think?

1001 journals

My glitter glue was nearby and my journal was open… You had to see this coming.

Glitter glue!

I hope you enjoyed a photo account of my day. Take care and be well.

You may have asked yourself, what does Sara look at all the time? or you may not have and this post will just be another addition to the giant list of rambling posts you read to pass time.

I use Google Reader as my RSS feeder. I enjoy using the RSS reader since I enjoy so many different types of blogs and websites and rarely have enough time to visit each one in a day. Also, I find myself unable to relocate projects, templates, giveaways, freebies, ideas, artworks, etc etc again after the initial visit. Google Reader allows me to slack off on days when I’m busy and catch up on days I have time.

Here comes the fun~!
Are these awesome or what:

  • I’m always curious about what’s going on over at Doodlers Anonymous. Fun peaks into sketchbooks and other related posts about the artists and artworks.
  • Have you been bitten by the creative artsy-fartsy crafty bug yet? No? Stop over at Craft and I bet it won’t be long before you dive into a new project.
  • One of the reasons I am dying to learn to sew well and quilt is Comfortstitching. She is amazing. Her blog is so colorful and beautiful just like her quilts.
  • I just added Unconsumptiontonight. I am very sure I will be digging around more soon.
  • Are you loving paper goods? Cards, stationery, journals, letterpress goodies and more can be found and drooled at over at Crow and Canary.
  • I love losing track of time browsing at Design*Sponge. Prepare yourself for a showcase of many delectable examples.
  • Ever heard of letterpress? Enjoy It will get you acquainted with Elise Blaha and her love of letterpress and small books. I love both and her approach at it all.
  • Unclutterer gives me hope. I just need the motivation and time now. :wink: The Unitasker Wednesdays crack me up sometimes.

This is obviously only a tiny schampling of everything that sucks my free time away faster than I can drain a strawberry shake. I hope you enjoyed seeing a glimpse of what amuses me and maybe have acquired a new addition for your RSS reader.

Take care and be well.

Sometimes things get away from me. I lose track of time and soon find that an entire month has snuck past. I really wish June took a little longer so I could get more of things done that I had planned. Too bad there aren’t “Do Overs” in the adult world. Can you imagine how useful something like that would be?

I want to mention a new blog that I have added to my Google Reader. Its called “Sew I Do” and there is a great giveaway going on right now for a reversible tote bag. Click here for more information. The deadline is July 4th so be sure to swing by before then.

I find myself spending more and more time looking through creative and gorgeous blogs. People are so innately creative and amazing. I want to learn to sew and embroider. Quilting tantalizes my senses and makes my fingers tingle. If only I could make something so beautiful. I dive into Etsy shops and dream of creating printed or stamped cards and stationery, even silk-screened totes and tshirts. Perhaps I need to spend less time online and more time in the real world trying to learn these arts. The best thing about all the online viewing is inspiration. I have quite the surplus of places to turn to via Google Reader if my inspiration gauge runs down to empty.

Father’s Day has past but I wanted to share the gel medium transfer I used on my Daddy’s card. (Yes, I am a nearly 30 year old woman who uses the term Daddy.) The process is easy and the results are wonderful.

Father's Day Card

Matt’s cousin invited us to his wedding in Goshen, Indiana. This may come as a surprise to some but probably not to most – I do not dress up often. I’m a jeans and t-shirts kind of girl. I wear the same Vans most days. This wedding meant I had to get all dolled up. I tried on every skirt and dress in my closet (which is not very many) and decided on an outfit. I had sandals that went well from the last wedding I attended some 5 years ago or more. The only missing item to my ensemble was a purse.

Monday after work I bought some of Vanna’s Choice yarn in Purple Mist which matched the paisley areas of my skirt. I did some digging online and settled on the Masa Bag pattern. Then began the crochet marathon. I had to work on Wednesday – my usual day off – so that lead to finishing the bag Thursday night around midnight. But I did it~! Before work on Wednesday, I found the cutest earrings for 25% off at the thrift shop across the street from work. They were only marked $1.99 but on sale is even better. I think the silver decoration adds a lot to the purse, don’t you?

My Masa Bag


Here is a shot of me all dressed up. I even painted my finger and toe nails to match my outfit and sported a Hello Kitty bandage.


Matt and I brought Iggy Pup on the adventure to Indiana. I think he enjoyed himself.

Road Trip with Iggy Pup

At work the other day I made this Pretty Pretty Princess License and hung it on the wall next to my desk. Nothing says power like a hand-made ultimate princess license!


The real world is calling… take care and be well.

I have never had my hair permanently dyed before. Well – before today that is.

After more than twelve hours at work, I decided to document my hair for posterity. Maybe I should have looked in a mirror before that decision. Here are two pictures showing my hair last night.

before hair

I received seven foil highlights. The color is a bleached version of my natural shade. The foils were placed beneath a twist of my natural color hair to help camouflage them and keep my roots from screaming “halo head!” when my hair grows.




I had considered going blue or pink or bright red but profession related issues kept me from taking that permanent step. The great news: there are some “one wash” type colorings that will allow me to go crazy for a weekend if I so desire. Heck maybe I’ll go orange one of these days if I don’t have anything on my schedule. I just have to color over the light highlights and POOF crazy bright fun hair!

I ‘accidentally’ grabbed some artsty-craftsty stuff at Walmart today while picking up some feline food. All these goodies came home with me and wanted their pictures taken right away.


My recent journaling freedom has opened the door to new ideas. My arsenal felt lacking. It needed some more glitter, right? I’ve used glitter glue before. It’s marvelous for paper crafts like cards, wrapping paper, and bookmarks. It also comes in handy around the holidays. I decorated some plain colored christmas ornament balls with swirls and dots with great results.

Speaking of crafty and artsy goodness, Sunday morning was really fun for me. I popped in “Kingpin” and started punching tiny squares of construction paper.


“Jaws” was next in line as my mosaic madness began to take shape…


If you are Twitter-ing fool, then you probably know what goodness resulted from my glue-stick happy morning. But for those of you who don’t know what to expect – I proudly present the Mosaic Mario Mushroom of ubernes!


I translated a picture off of a Google image search right into the mosaic. It was odd to translate a solid picture into a mosaic but I caught on pretty quick. Now I could use this for a crochet pattern if I desire or if I ever learn to cross stitch, I think it’s based on graphs too.

One last thing before I close out for the night. My Lavinia was caught napping on the dog bed. I think her attitude said it all. “Okay – his stuff can stay BUT that dog still has to go!”

Busted! Lavinia on the dog bed.

Take care and be well.

My Mum called this morning and informed me that Dad and her were heading over to dig in my gardens. I was in one of my “no sun – no energy” moods and planned to sit on the futon until forced to move by bodily need or human intervention. I grabbed my overalls and gardening shoes and headed out. Oh and my bandanna. I live in my bandanna when I don’t have energy. I really need a hair cut but that isn’t really the point of my post tonight.

We removed all the maximilian sunflowers from the south end of the east garden. They never did much even with improved soil. Sad really. The ones out in the county get so tall and have millions of blooms on each stalk. Mine bloom so late in the season and topple over from their own weight – unable to hold up their dinky blooms.

My parents have come to terms with my own physical weakness. I have no rippling muscles and have tendinitis in both wrists. I’m still in denial but both my parents help so much. Matt even joined the fun. The south end of the east garden is now de-rooted and revitalized with peat moss and compost. I planted my new blue delphinium and a couple perennial lobelia. I’m excited to get things moved around. Oh and my orange poppies have been relocated to the sunny part of the south garden. Oh how wonderful orange poppies will be!

Orange is such a powerful color. Friday was a deadline day and I took a breather – just one moment and glanced around my work area. I had so much fun orange I just had to capture it.

Unofficial Orange Day

Click to go to flickr - more sizes and notes available.

I grabbed my Rose Art colored pencils on the way to work Thursday and colored a blue corner in my journal. Then later did an orange arch. Friday I was majorly craving fresh fruit so I drew a strawberry. Today I drew the orange and kiwi slice. I’m going to write “but i had Taco Bell for dinner” since we ended up stopping there before taking Iggy Pup to the dog park to see his German Shepherd Dog girlfriend Sammy.

Journal Spread

Click to go to flickr - more sizes available.

I don’t mind not finishing entries on the day listed any more. Journaling has become free and enjoyable. I don’t feel rushed or pinned to finishing the entry in daily order. A page for each day is okay and I can finish it when I feel the motivation or have the time. Life is strenuous enough without adding journaling to the list of must-dos.

I have so many ideas for art projects now its unreal. I bought gel medium so I want to work on collages. I also have all my new fancy edge scissors to experiment with. I bought some clearance art pens at Hobby Lobby this week and haven’t uncapped any of them. I am getting CraftyChica’s book Crafty Chica’s Guide to Artful Sewing: Fabu-Low-Sew Ideas for the Everyday Crafter for becoming her 4,000th follower on Twitter! I’m am SOOO excited! I’ve only made one item with my new-to-me sewing machine – a bag – and I’m falling in love with the idea of making more things. I do need to find out how to make my machine to a zig-zag stitch so I can sew paper for my collages. I have a sick desire to learn to quilt. Comfortstitching has the most exquisite quilts that inspire and tempt me to try one for myself.

I could go on and on but I’m sure you’d rather I just do something and post about than post about wanting to do it, right?
Take care and be well.

Its been crazy busy here but I wanted to get a blog post up.

I’ve been journaling on and off for as long as I can remember. Matt and I watched 1,000 Journals over the weekend. What a marvelous idea! Someguy sent out 1,000 blank journals into the world. The results were beyond inspiring. I got to thinking about my journals. I struggle to finish them and I think I know why. I try too hard to play by some unwritten laws. I buy a great book that I like and then I write neatly in between the lines. I have broken out of my norm by doodling in my journal this year which was a great step. But then I see journals like Paper Relics and I see how free one can be!

Matt and I went out to lunch on Sunday and I took out my journal and our recent issue from work and went at it. I used my sparkly gel burst pens and my new Stabilo Point 88s. It felt good to just go crazy. I know its not very organized or balanced but I had to explode onto the page to get my bearings in this new adventure.

Journal Pages

Monday I loaded my Parker 21 and my Parker 45… so the journal page was just boring writing between the lines. But look at the pretty ink colors! Levenger Claret and J Herbin Orange Indien.

My first two bottles of fountain pen ink are now in use!

Tuesday was a LONG day at work. Yes you read the journal page watch face correctly – 7:20am to 11:06pm. I like this page – I broke all the “rules” I’ve followed for so long and enjoyed every minute of it. I even glued in Wendy from Matt’s chicken sandwich rapper. muwahahhahaha take that!

Journal Pages

I don’t want things to perfect. I’d rather spend the little time I have doing rather than planning, measuring, laying out and all that jazz. I know – it looks like it, right? But that’s my point! Go ahead – give it a whirl, you may set yourself free too.

Today’s page isn’t done yet but I wanted to share it. I love that I can use anything to create visual interest. I bought a 10 pack of fancy scissors today and grabbed some junk mail. What a great way to recycle! We had lunch at IHOP – strawberry festival is going on! Nomnom.

Journal Pages

My gardens are moving along with out me. I did do some watering but I need to get some transplanting and more weeding done one of these days. I love the variety of flowers I have here.



I’ll leave you with a photo of Ripley’s tank. I’ve been trying to offer him a large variety of things for playing, climbing and chewing. He’s been in the 20 gallon long tank for awhile now and I don’t think I’ll be switching him back. I love having all the room to fill for him.


Spring is in the air... think GREEN

My Daffodils are sprouting! Spring is in the air... think GREEN

It’s occurred to me that being “Green” has become fashionable more out of hype than necessity for many people. This greatly saddens me but I’m happy that its catching on.

I have leaned toward a low impact lifestyle my entire life. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and recycle everything you can. My mother taught me to put a bucket in the sink during the summer and let it fill up during regular activities like washing hands or your afternoon snack apple. When its full, run outside and water your flower gardens! She also instilled the value of less is more. I adore my mother and cannot thank her enough for all the lessons she has taught and continues to teach me. (I love you Mum!)

Here is a quick list of things I do to help limit my “footprint” on mother earth. They are easy to do and I encourage you to take steps to minimize you impact as well.

  • Turn the lights out. When you leave the room or close your book, flic the switch and save some energy.
  • Bored with the tele? Nothing on? Shut off the boob tube. Still need some background noise? Try the radio or internet music options.
  • Driving somewhere? Slow down! Speeding wastes gas and on average you only get there 3 minutes faster. Don’t believe me? Try it some day. Oh and coast… I love coasting… from red light to red light… a little bit of gas can go a long way and saves you money too.
  • Compost. Don’t have a compost pile? Does a friend or family member or your community have one you can contribute to? Don’t throw that bag of spoiled veggies away – recycle it back into “black gold.”  Afraid of odor? Keep a bucket with lid or bag in your freezer and stash your banana peels, potato skins and all that green goodness until you can get to a composting site.
  • Cook and bake efficiently.  Cooking for two? Make food for 4 or 6 or even 8. The freezer is your friend. (Labeling is recommended for anyone like me who forgets). Also, listing what is available in the freezer might sound a bit overboard but can help on those nights when you’re hungry and don’t want to forage.
  • Get your clean on! I use vinegar and baking soda all around the house. Vinegar may not smell pretty (still reminds me of Easter egg dying with Nani) but it sure does work. Baking soda is awesome at attacking and defeating stains on counter tops and scrubbing tubs and sinks (without scratching delicate surfaces too). Tough grease mess on the stove top? Give it a try! I have also dumped baking soda down drains followed with a vinegar chaser and cleared up some serious clogs. Vinegar is also great for windows and safe to use around pets. (I use vinegar during my weekly tank cleanings for my pet mice).
  • Unplug things. Done with your laptop and the battery is charged? Unplug. Leaving for a weekend – unplug the unnecessary electronics like the television. Don’t leave your cell phone chargers or the toaster plugged in when not in use. Surprisingly they do still draw energy and run up your bill.
  • Recycle everything you can. Run unwanted junk mail through the shredder and recycle. Plastic, paper, and more. Mulch your grass clippings back into the lawn or use around your garden to keep the moisture in the soil. Grind up leaves and use them as a mulch in your gardens. (We do this every fall. Its great to protect your plants and can be dug into soil when Spring rolls around).
  • Clean out your street’s gutters! You may not realize that what goes into the sewers often is not treated before it runs back into local river or lake. Don’t let things go down the drain. Also, keeping the gutters clear helps your street not flood in rain storms. (My city is on Lake Michigan and I have seen neighbors dump chemicals down the sewer EEK). Pick up trash in your yard… it is likely going to end up in the gutters anyways.
  • Second hand is okay. I love rummage-sale-ing and thrift store shopping. Ask friends if they want to swap clothes or even hand them down to younger generations in the family. Don’t forget to donate to local charities if you have a stash of unwanted items.

So… I hope this has given you a new idea or at least inspired you to think a little greener today. If everyone does a little bit – it will add up to a big difference.

Here a few links to blogs that I’m subscribed to. I find them informative, inspirational or just plain fun:

Anything I missed? Do you have an idea or currently do something “green” that you want to share? Know of a great “green” site? Please add a comment.

Be well.

Iggy’s Sweater… my first attempt at dog clothes without a pattern.

**Disclaimer – I have never written a crochet tutorial before and did not keep any type of notes for Iggy’s Sweater. Please keep this is in mind. I frogged quite a lot of stitches to get this sweater exactly how I wanted it to fit Iggy Pup. Please don’t get discouraged and keep that puppy handy for fittings!

My father’s friend is a foster home for CRUSA and just got Paris who is in need of some winter warmth. I am crocheting a sweater for her using this method. Find out more about Paris here

I used Red Heart in “Earth and Sky” for Iggy and “Pink Camo” for Paris.

First off – the collar.
The collar is very simple. Chain the desired height of the collar. I chained so it was approximately three inches long.
Hdc (half double crochet) in each chain across.
Chain 2 or 3 for turning chain. (Iggy’s sweater was done with 2, the Paris sweater is done with 3 for a more frilly scalloped appearance).
Hdc in the back loop only.
Chain 2 or 3 for turning chain.
Hdc in between the stitches.
Keep repeating this until the collar is long enough to fit comfortably around the dog’s neck.

Now resist the urge to stitch up the collar into a circle. I think it makes fittings much easier :)

Now onto the body.

Attach the yarn at a corner (I simply decided which edge was the best and connected it to the other one).
Sc (single crochet) in each stitch around.
When you get to opposite corner of the collar keep going.
You could use stitch markers if you were concerned with being precise but I didn’t for Iggy’s sweater.

The sweater is going to start taking shape :) You are creating the shoulder and upper chest areas.

Fit the dog and stop when you get to the top of the front legs.

Crochet the chest piece separately from the back. I just marked where Iggy’s legs were with twist ties and just went back and forth until there was ample room for a leg hole.

Next crochet the back piece. You can judge how your dogs leg holes should be shaped. (Many dog sweaters in stores simply have a slit) Crochet the back piece until its long enough to reach just behind the front leg.

Sc from the back piece into the chest piece. (They should be approximately the same length so connecting them is easy-cheesy).

Continue Sc. This will form the belly of the sweater.

Fittings are important during this stage. Boy dogs will need you to be more precise in where you end the round and round scing.

When the belly is long enough, start scing back and forth using 1 turning chain.
In order to shape the end of the sweater, I dc’d a few times in each row.

Continue until the sweater is as long as desired.

Now the sleeves!
I was not concerned with tapering the sleeves. I thought they were pretty adorable straight.

Attach the yarn to a corner of the arm slit.
Sc in each stitch around and keep going. (Again feel free to use stitch markers but know Iggy’s was done without ’em)
Make the sleeves as long as desired.
Repeat for the other sleeve.

Finishing on Iggy’s sweater – I did the crab stitch on the cuff of each sleeve and on the bottom of the sweater. It added a nice finished look.

Finally, stitch up the collar, weave in your ends and tell your pampered pet that the masterpiece is ready! :o)

♥ Stripes – thick or thin they will add some style and interest.
♥ Crocheting for a diva dog? how about some ripples or even a cute ruffles on the sleeves and butt end.
♥ Embellish – add some buttons or even some crochet flowers.
♥ Use a different stitch than the Sc… hdc or dc will create more open airy sweater.

Please feel free to ask questions or offer comments, criticisms, etc.